Halloween Food Art

Halloween food art 1

Hello Everyone,

Guys i had made some potato smiley today for evening snacks. And with the left overs, i just tried my hands on making some catty. I enjoyed it so much that i didn’t wanna stop. And as Halloween was around the corner, i just googled online for – Halloween food pics and got heaps of ideas there. Thus tried my hands on couple of them, and trust me its was soo much fun.. hahaha 🙂 Hope you guys enjoy making them too. 😉
So presenting to you – Apple Monsters, Mummy Toast and Evil Catty 😉 🙂

Mummy Toast:

Halloween food art 5
** Mummy Toast **
  1. Just Toast a slice of bread.
  2. Spread some tomato sauce on the piece of bread.
  3. Cut few thin slices of cheese and lay them over the sauce. (i didn’t have cheese slices at home, so have used the cheese block and have cut them into thin slices)
  4. Add couple of olives for the eyes and they are Done!! You can further toast them in oven before serving, if desired.:)

Evil Catty:

Halloween food art 4
** Evil Catty **
  1. I had made potato smileys, so have used that as a base. You can use Monaco biscuit or something of you choice.
  2. Cut carrot into flat triangle shape to make its ears or say evilly thorns. hahaa.. 😉
  3. And cut some olives into thin strips to make cats moustaches and nose. Ready to serve.:)

Apple Monsters:

Halloween food art 2
** Apple Monsters **

My son watched me create all the above lovelies silently, but only until i started creating my Apple Monsters. It had everything that he loved – some Marshmallows, Milk Chocolate, Strawberries and Apple. He loves strawberries and the moment he saw me cut some of them, he would grab some and run away. Finally i handed over a bowl of strawberries to him and then had to finish my work in the other room. 😉

  1. Cut a green apple into quarters. And cut middle of each quarter of the apple to create a mouth. Don’t worry if its not perfect as when the rest of the ingredients will fill up those gaps. 😉
  2. Poke few holes with a sharp knife on the top part of the mouth. Don’t cut too deep.
  3. Place 4-5 pieces of oats  on the top of the mouth for teeth. Use sunflower seed – for gluten free.
  4. Place a thin slice strawberry inside the mouth for tongue.
  5. Cut each mini marshmallows into 2-3 pieces. Glue them on the top of the mouth for eyes. And if it does not stick then use a dash of butter, so it sticks.
  6. For googly eyes, i just broke few chocolate into bits. And made tiny balls by working on them between my thumb and finger. Place them on top of the marshmallow eyes.
  7. Apple Monsters are ready to be served.

Surprise your kids with such fun ideas, thus making their snack or lunch box more interesting. These lovely creations are so much fun to make. And i am sure, your kids are gonna come asking for more.

Enjoy!! And have a great weekend guys.. 🙂

** Happy Halloween To All **



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